WAS [the newsletter] #8


I’m Paige Wassel. WAS the Newsletter is your weekly dose of design inspiration, served with your choice of hash browns or toast. 


Random factoids that only my friends and family know:

  • I’m currently in Waco, TX as you’re reading this and I am having the BEST time, truly. This place is Disneyland for people who love this aesthetic.

  • I’m currently reading The Courage to be Disliked. Up next Crying in H Mart. 

  • I love Allison Bornstein and her methods of how to dress with what you already have in your closet. You must check her out - Allison Bornstein's Instagram.


Like any apex predator, I am always on the hunt… for something fabulous. I have a love/hate relationship with waste. I am Team Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I hate that people are so quick to get rid of amazing, solid, classic things. But I love that their loss can be our gain. This week, I’m thrifting in St. Louis and here’s the best of what I’ve been stalking:

Remember, lions don’t dream of hunting, they just go out and hunt. So what’s keeping you from thrifting?


When I moved back to LA, I realized I needed to make my new space feel more like home because there’s nothing sadder than empty rooms.

The problem was, I don’t rush big design decisions. Landfills are full of items from impatient people and I refuse to be part of the problem. I prefer to wait to find the perfect chair/couch/bed/fill in the blank, rather than grabbing just anything. However, I loathe an antiseptic space, so here’s how I bridged the gap as I made myself at home in my new life… and how you can do the same.

  • Go Big. We all agree that having art is good, so having big art pieces can be even better, especially when you’re faced with naked walls. I have this giant red painting that I love which is currently on display in my office garage. If you’ve got a blank space (baby) that’s just reminding you of man’s inhumanity to man, fill it up with a big canvas or a nicely framed poster.

  • Fill the Wall. I am obsessed with a good wall unit. I’m talking about large TV consoles or entertainment centers or bookshelves because they make a house feel custom and finished, even when they’re not built-in. Maybe you don’t have a lot of the bigger stuff yet, but you surely have books and small pieces to place on the shelves to absorb the echoes of a house that’s not yet filled.

  • Light It Up. I love what I’m calling a Scrooge candle. When I moved in, I bought a bunch of these little beeswax tapers on Amazon and put them in holders with little handles on the side. They’re just a fun, unique touch to put on your coffee table.

  • Hang It Up. My place came with something I never considered before—towel display racks that hang over the kitchen cabinets. Normally, I’d just drape my dish towel over the sink’s edge, but these towel display racks let me showcase cute and vintage towels. Big fan.

  • Pipe It Up. Okay, enough with the “it up.” Kate and I both love pillows that have piping and trim on them; they’re so much more interesting than plain pillows because they give the cushion some gravitas. An interesting edge makes the piece feel French or British, and that’s always a good thing. When we launched our pillow collection, we made sure to include piping and cool, trimmed edges on them.

  • Add Some Life. I have strong feelings about real plants and fresh flowers. Strong feelings. So, one of my favorite ways to add interest to a floral display is a flower frog. Basically, they’re little bowls that hold the flowers’ stems in place. You just stick them at the bottom of a bowl or whatever vessel you have. I’ve even put them at the bottom of a little bag once on a fun prop shoot. They're heavy so you can just stick stems in them. If you don't have a flower frog, you can find them on Amazon or you can get vintage ones off Etsy.

  • Make It Comfy. I want everything to be comfy in my home. I had terrible barstools that were uncomfortable and when I finally got new ones, I realized how easy it can be to find things that are comfortable and chic. Remember, your home doesn’t have to look like the rec room at the Sig Ep house to be comfortable; it’s possible to integrate comfort and style. A great example would be using a daybed as a coffee table, with a soft place to put your feet, and hard surfaces on the side to set your drinks.

  • Picture This. Right now, I'm really into putting small pieces of art in cute little places. Instead of propping that a photo of Nana on your nightstand, why not hang her above your light switch or over the door? Placing art in unique places builds interest.

  • Make It Cute. Linen closets and pantries are useful, but that doesn’t make them exempt from looking good. Once I moved into this place, I discovered that my linen closet could feel almost like my vanity. I threw in a tray. I added a few pieces of art and some fun vintage bowls and some cool baskets. There’s no reason these utilitarian spots can’t look and feel nicer, unless you have children that ruin everything and then I don’t know what to tell you.

  • Pack a Bowl. I love keeping as much produce out on my counter as I can. Obviously some things need to be refrigerated, but most things don't. Having little wood bowls or baskets out on the counter is such a great way to add in life and color. Try to keep as much stuff on display without feeling messy, obviously. But I do think it makes your kitchen feel good and what could be less expensive (and more useful) than a nice bowl of lemons?

So, if you’re in a new place, remember that it’s not hard to bring in small touches that feel like home.


Farrow & Ball: Skylight

Finish: Any

Room Light Level: Mid to bright
